Monday, July 6, 2009


I have not been tending this virtual garden for such a very long time. First and foremost, the busy life of study and exam got so in the way that everything else seemed utterly obstructed and out of reach. Now however, those woes lie behind me (along with the satisfaction gathered in the process) and though one might think the outlook on three long months of summer holidays seems vast and relaxing, many plans are keeping me busy.
Right now, I’m spending time together with dear Cecilie, visiting from Denmark. She arrived in Vienna, where we walked and talked until the bus carried us to Budapest, where we now walk and talk as a group of three, together with the my dear count.

All my recent days are accompanied by the strangest moods of weather. First, while the semester drew to its demanding close, the monsoon seemed to have gotten hold of Vienna (and Budapest). A never ending stream of thick drops pouring out of the sky while the temperatures and rivers climbed. These days, the monsoon seems to have exhausted itself and made way to days of humid heat with burning sunshine and at least one apocalyptical rainstorm per day.

One just never knows when to carry that fragile paper parasol…

A very regrettable symptom of my life during the semester is the fact I hardly read other books. Not caused by a lack of interest, I simply cannot get myself to read something for pleasure after having to read and work with written materials all day. Therefore, I have carried a rather large amount of books with me to the count’s residence and hope to finally finish a few and begin some more.
Currently, I mostly read in a collection of chinese short stories (in German translation) called new dreams from the red chamber (another book I have yet to finish). These at times a little bewildering but always fascinating stories cast an interesting light onto modern China and the small and big people living therein.

The soothing summer morning is getting old, and I should concentrate on my morning tea until the flat gets too warm for it to be enjoyable. Whilst I sip this gentle morning’s kiss (as my dear Mexican put it), the sounds of the city, rather different from the Viennese ones I’ve grown used to, drift to my interested ears.


inkessential said...

Good to hear your words in my head, you write a beautiful picture.

My very best wishes to you. hugs.

Yu said...

and good to hear from you, my friend. it has been a long time, hasn't it?

inkessential said...

in this long time i have created a new website:


Anonymous said...

Dear raspberry-fellow, I really enjoyed your words, imagining your voice plappering them into my ears. I send you wishes, tea and thoughts and I count the days till we'll enjoy the every-day thunderstorms and the raindrops tickling on the terrace's rooftop together in the old place called home. Hugs, A.

Yu said...

fancy new addition in the web of your digital representations. i like the design a lot; though calligraphy could be even more directly interwoven into it, in my opinion.

i'm greatly looking forward to doing these things! time passes quickly and before long we'll sit there together and quite probably even with the smell of fresh waffles. :)